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School board forgives taxes on property for Tamaqua park

Tamaqua Area School Board is helping clear the way for the proposed Liberty Park along Railroad Street in Tamaqua.

The board agreed to forgive the taxes on two parcels the borough now owns as part of the park’s development.

Board Vice Chair Nicholas Boyle said that the borough asked the district to forgive the taxes on 31 and 39 N. Railroad St.

The district would forfeit about $15,000, he said.

The homes on the properties will be razed to make way for the park, which will feature a tree descended from the last known Liberty Tree as part of the nation’s celebration of its 250th birthday.

Liberty Trees were used as symbolic meeting places for the “Sons of Liberty” in the years leading up the American Revolution.

A sapling from the last remaining Liberty Tree in Annapolis, Maryland, will be planted in Tamaqua’s Liberty Park in the fall of 2025, as part of America250PA’s Liberty Tree Project.

The board approved forgiving the taxes, interest and penalties on the parcels.

Other business

In other business, the board:

• Approved the livestream pricing structure for sports events through HUDL as follows: $8 a game, $15 a month and $75 for the year.

• Approved an out-of-state trip for the Raider Marching Band to New York City on April 25. The trip will be funded through student fundraising and support of the band boosters.

• Approved the Title I Non-Public Letter of Agreement and the Title IIA Non-Public Programs and Services Letter of Agreement for 2024-25.

• Approved an affiliation agreement with East Stroudsburg University for student teachers, practicum or student teaching experience.

• Accepted the resignation of Nicole Reinhart, middle school learning support teacher, as of Jan. 3.

• Hired Christina Wagner, of Tamaqua, as an elementary teacher, and Kaelyn Boran-Smith as a special-education teacher, both at a salary of $45,048 a year.

• Hired Rylee Wenzel, of New Ringgold, as a substitute teacher.

• Approved the special education agreement.

• Paid bills of $1,698,154.32.

• Appointed Berkheimer as the delinquent per capita and assesses occupation tax collector for the 2025 tax collection cycle.

• Approved the tax collector compensation of $160 per paid bill effective next term.

• Hired Nancy Phillips, R.N., as a full-time health room assistant at a rate of $32 an hour.

• Rescinded the motion of Dec. 3 approving Michael Walser as a certified school nurse.