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Write a letter to the editor

Times News LLC welcomes expression of all points of view submitted as letters to the editor.

Letters must be legible and brief — no more than 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters for length, while retaining the sense of the writer’s message.

If readers disagree or have a fact dispute with a letter, they can submit a letter in response, keeping the 350-word limit in mind.

We will allow for one letter per month from a writer, and will also allow one response per month to a letter printed in our publication.

Letter writers should provide a complete address and phone number, for verification purposes. If we can’t reach you to confirm your letter, we cannot publish it. Letters must be signed by an individual person rather than a group or a board. Anonymous submissions will not be considered.

We do not accept letters which address opinions printed in other publications. Keep in mind that letters and articles published in other publications are copyrighted and therefore we cannot publish them.

Letters are printed on a space-available basis.

Letters to the editor may be emailed to tneditor@tnonline.com, submitted on the customer service tab at tnonline.com or mailed to the Times News office, PO Box 239, Lehighton, PA 18235. Please note that electronic letters have a faster publication time.

The opinions expressed in both columns and letters on this page are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Times News LLC