Published December 17. 2024 02:45PM
There will be no tax increase in Parryville in 2025.
The borough council reviewed its proposed budget Monday night, which includes pay increases for the part-time borough administrator and two part-time crew members led by John Wentz.
Council President Jason Smith said, “We aren’t in line with what other boroughs are paying, and even though we are a small borough, if we want to keep people we need to pay a fair rate.”
A special borough council meeting will be held Dec. 30 at 6 p.m. to hear resident comments about the proposed budget.
Nick Kurek, borough tax collector, submitted his resignation effective at the end of January due to a promotion at work. The position will be advertised.
The borough owes $37,000 for garbage pick-up.
While a provision exists with Waste Management, Smith said, “If borough residents fail to pay their garbage bills, other residents who pay on time will have to pay twice. They will also pay through their taxes since we must pay the outstanding balance.”
Parryville residents are asked to make garbage payments through the PA Municipal Services. Payments should not be dropped off at the borough hall. Incorrect information was provided in an article Tuesday.
The 2025 meeting schedule was proposed and adopted unanimously by council with one change.
The meetings will still occur on the third Monday of the month, but the start time will change from 7 to 6 p.m.
The Parryville Fire Company will hold its monthly breakfast at the Fire Hall on Jan. 5.