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State police at Schuylkill Haven

State police at the Schuylkill Haven barracks reported the following incidents:

• A 28-year-old man from Schuylkill Haven was charged with a Title 75 felony offense after police made a traffic stop at 5:20 p.m. Nov. 30 on Route 61 in West Brunswick Township.

Police said he was driving a 2012 Audi that did not have an ignition interlock installed in it as required.

• Brooke Wright, 43, of Ranshaw, is facing charges of driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance after police made a traffic stop at 10:01 a.m. Nov. 29.

She was stopped in a 2006 Honda Civic on Route 61 in Deer Lake.

• Candice Colna, 34, of Auburn, was cited for simple trespass after police were called to a property on Fort Lebanon Road, West Brunswick Township, at 10:53 a.m. Dec. 9.

A 67-year-old woman from Auburn told police that Colna was asked to leave her property but refused.