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Lehighton UVO remembers Pearl Harbor

A ceremony to recognize the 83rd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor will be observed Saturday in Lehighton.

The Lehighton United Veterans Organization will meet at 12:48 p.m. (7:48 a.m. Pacific Time) at the Lehighton Veterans Memorial Park.

Lehighton UVO Commander Kevin “Spike” Long said the ceremony will be held to remember the 83rd anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack.

Long said there will not be a formal service, but rather a time of reflection followed by military honors and taps.

He said that the Lehighton UVO continues to observe the anniversary “of this fateful day as to continually remember the magnitude of the events that day that brought America into World War II,” which he added was a ”monumental event that forever changed our world.”

“The bravery and sacrifice of that day, and the following years after, until the end of World War II can never be forgotten,” Long said. “We as a nation must never forget these dates in history that has forged us into what we are today.”

Long noted that the next formal service of Pearl Harbor Day will take place on Dec. 7, 2026, when the borough observes the 85th anniversary of the attack.