Published December 05. 2024 02:45PM
Penn Forest Township adopted its proposed 2025 proposed budget, with general revenue and expenditures of $3,112,479.96 each and an estimated beginning balance of $3,083,760.70.
The sanitation revenue and expenditures are $499,839 each, leaving a balance of $500,000. State liquid fuels has an estimated balance of $272,911.49 with revenue and expenditures at $272,911.49 each.
An exemption was approved for Indian Mountain Lake garbage permit fees as the community has their own garbage collection. Transfer station permit fees will remain $150 elsewhere in the township. Year-to-date transfer station fees collected totals $50,426.71.
The township does not charge a real estate tax.
In other business, a rear spreader, work light kit and strobe light kit will be purchased from West End Equipment for the utility truck at a cost of $466. Lumber for the trailer deck will be purchased from Murphy’s Lumber at a cost of $245.82.
Twenty right-to-know requests for zoning and septic were made for the month of November. One administrative and financial request was made.
Jyl Venditti’s resignation from the park committee was approved. The committee is looking for new members. The December Park and Recreation meeting is canceled.
During public comment, William Miller, the chair of the Planning Committee asked that the $10 per meeting stipend is raised to $30-$35 as that is the going rate for other area committees.
Solicitor Tom Nanovic said he will look into it and get back to the board.
Prior to the Jan. 6 supervisors meeting a reorganization meeting will be held at 6 p.m.