Published December 03. 2024 04:07PM
It appears that things are not so pleasant in the Pleasant Valley School District. After receiving a nice increase in August, upping his gross salary to a little over $189,000 plus benefits, James (“I am the King”) Konrad is not satisfied with that amount. A deal was hammered out that if Konrad submitted his resignation giving 90 days notice, he would be rehired with an increase of $25,000, putting his salary at $215,000. Otherwise, he might go elsewhere. Bye bye!
If there is extra money, couldn’t some be used for the needs of the buildings. How about the teachers? After all, we’re in the trenches with the students.
Don’t think he was alone. Susan (“I was never employed in public education, but I know what’s best for everything”) Kresge, head of the board, also played a role.
Considering the financial hardships this district has suffered in the past few years, this deal should never have been considered. The German department at both the middle school and high school levels has been destroyed. Enrollment was definitely not an issue. What other departments will meet the wrecking ball? It’s no wonder that there has been a mass exodus of school employees.
I left a prestigious school district in Lehigh County after 19 years to come to Pleasant Valley. I wanted to teach there. I taught at both secondary levels for over 21 years.
I was proud to say that I taught at Pleasant Valley. I can’t say that anymore. I’ve been retired for 2 years. I’m glad I got out when I did.
If Konrad wants to leave, simply show him the door. When election times comes up, do the same with Kresge and her sheep. There has to be somebody on the board to take a stand!
Richard Ochs