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Letter to the editor: Democracy???

Many people feel that what is happening in our country is a Communist conspiracy. It is not conspiracy. It is the Communist long range plan. That evil ideology entered the USA just after the First World War. A socialist ran for president multiple times beginning in the 1920s (E. Debs). The Socialist and Communist who ranted on their soapbox in Union Square (NYC) were figures of snickers and laughter from passersby.

The Congressional un-American Activities Committee was instituted in 1933 by President FDR. The question: “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?” was asked to all legal immigrants and to prospective government officials. Those prospective officials at every level were also asked to swear “to support, uphold, and defend the Constitution of the United States” Now, how many are treasonous or at least perjurers regarding these statements?

If they can make the US dollar worthless by severe inflation so that other countries will no longer use the dollar as the standard world currency, we become a Third World Country with insurmountable debt. They do this by bypassing our perfectly good border laws and overwhelming the citizenry with illegal people from around the world. Many are spies, others form internal armies, which will show themselves when we are the weakest.

The spy balloon, which flew over military bases and “secret installations,” and the buying of property adjacent to these facilities are examples. They have spread false information regarding carbon dioxide and global warning. That misinformation leads to bad decisions to stop oil production. The movement of heavy industry to China and other countries has weakened the US financially and militarily.

Think about the number of senators and congressman who have direct connections with communist China and Russia. Remember what the last great Democrat President, JFK, said, “Don’t ask what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country?” There are no more Democrats. That party has slowly morphed into the Socialist/Communist Party. The last true Democrat, Sen. Joe Lieberman, died six months ago. So, are we a Democracy?

Walt Fagan

Jim Thorpe