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Hunters heading to the woods for deer season Saturday

The Pennsylvania Game Commission estimates that more than a half million hunters will be in the woods on Saturday, the opening day of firearms deer season.

“Growing up, I looked forward to the first day of deer season all year,” Steve Smith, the commission’s executive director, said. “I’m hardly alone that way. For many of us, hunting, and deer hunting in particular, isn’t just a hobby. It’s a part of the fabric of our lives.”

The season continues Sunday, then runs from Monday through Dec. 14, with the exception of Dec. 8.

Hunters are allowed one antlered deer per year, plus one antlerless deer for every Wildlife Management Unit-specific antlerless license or Deer Management Assistance Program permit.

“Last year’s total deer harvest was an estimated 430,010 (171,600 antlered, 258,410 antlerless),” according to Travis Lau, game commission spokesman.

The regular firearms deer season accounted for the largest part of the take. Firearms hunters took an estimated 254,710 deer, with 86,260 of those bucks and the remaining 168,450 antlerless.

Hunters are permitted to harvest one antlered deer with a valid general hunting license. To take an antlerless deer, a hunter must have a valid antlerless deer license or valid DMAP permit.

“The antlerless license allocation this year was 1,186,000,” Lau said. “Most of that has sold.”

Lau said the only WMU with licenses remaining is WMU 4A, where there are more than 13,000 available licenses. It includes parts of Bedford, Blair, Franklin, Fulton and Huntingdon counties.

A DMAP permit can be used only on the specific property for which it is issued.

Those holding senior lifetime licenses are reminded they must obtain a new antlered deer harvest tag each year to participate. Hunters who harvest a deer are required to affix a valid tag to the ear before the deer is moved. The tag must be filled out with ballpoint pen.

Hunters must also report their harvests to the game commission within 10 days. Harvests can be reported online at www.huntfish.pa.gov or by calling 1-800-838-4431.

Deer hunters are reminded to wear a minimum of 250 square inches of fluorescent orange material on their head, chest and back during the firearms deer season. An orange hat and vest will satisfy the requirement.

Non-hunters who are out during deer season and other hunting seasons should consider wearing orange, but must meet the orange requirement if on state game lands between Nov. 15 and Dec. 15.

Hunters can harvest a black bear in some WMUs within deer season. The extended bear season opens Saturday and continues on Sunday, Dec. 1, then Dec. 2 to 7 in WMUs 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4C, 4E and 5A. The season also is held in WMUs 2B, 5B, 5C and 5D, where it opens Nov. 30, continues on Sunday, Dec. 1, then Dec. 2 to 14, excluding Sunday, Dec. 8.

Hunters are allowed one bear per year.

To participate in the extended bear season, a hunter needs a general hunting license, as well as a bear license. Properly licensed hunters may also harvest deer.