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Letter to the editor: Bravo to the Times News

The Biden/Harris administration was the most anti-free speech administration in almost 2 centuries according to legal scholar Jonathan Turley.

Censorship reigned powerfully during this time. That is why I want to give a big shout out to The Times News, for allowing free speech to flourish in their publication. They always played it straight, allowing conservative and liberal voices to be equally heard. During the recent heated campaign, readers were given information through the voices of numerous letter writers from both sides of the aisle.

As a letter writer, I took the Mark Levin challenge and wrote monthly letters exposing the Democrat Party lies and the lies of the Main Stream media who tried to shape/push the Democrat Party agenda. My voice was never censored by The Times News and I am most grateful for that. I am extremely proud to live in a small town where free speech will continue to thrive in our local publication. BRAVO to The Times News leadership for promoting independent thinking!

Wanda Dietz

Franklin Township