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Students of the Month at Slatington Elementary

The Slatington Elementary School held its Students of the Month breakfast on Sept. 30. Student recipients were invited, along with their families, to participate in a small breakfast and presentation ceremony. From left, school Principal Todd Breiner; Carleen Binder, fourth grade teacher; Zoey Snyder, third grade; Tyler Drozd, third grade; Cameron Leashomb, fourth grade; Realynn Gregson, fourth grade; Harper Faust, fifth grade; Wesley Bachman, fifth grade; Jasmine Graybeal, sixth grade; and Sarah Fink, fourth grade teacher. Student Carter Cash, sixth grade, was unable to attend the breakfast. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS
The Slatington Elementary School held its Students of the Month breakfast on Oct. 28. Student recipients were invited, along with their families, to participate in a small breakfast and presentation ceremony. From left, Alanna Contreas Polanco, third grade; Isaac Mohr, third grade; Ryan Kirkpatrick, fourth grade; Sophia Lilly, fifth grade; Cole Frantz, sixth grade; and Sarah Fink, fourth grade teacher. Students unable to attend the breakfast were Savanah Wilt, fifth grade; and Hannah Davis, sixth grade.
The Slatington Elementary School held its Students of the Month breakfast on Oct. 28. From left, school Principal Todd Breiner; and student Bryan Capinha, fourth grade, who was unable to be present for the group photo.