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Lehighton to create program to enhance building facades

Lehighton plans to establish a facade grant program to incentivize property owners to enhance the appearance of their buildings.

Borough council on a 6-0 vote Monday passed a resolution to create the program. Councilman John Kreitz was absent.

Borough Manager Dane DeWire said state Sen. David Argall and state Rep. Doyle Heffley previously awarded the borough $250,000 for downtown facade work for beautification.

DeWire said that the application and project criteria are that qualifying projects are limited to commercial properties in zoning districts C1, C2 and C3 in the borough.

He said qualifying projects will be limited to building facade improvements such as siding, paint, brickwork, windows, porches, signs and awnings.

DeWire added that sidewalks, roofing or landscaping are not applicable projects for funding, and that previously completed projects also are not applicable projects for funding.

He said qualifying projects will be limited to building facades that directly face a borough street or a public right of way, and that the building owner must complete and submit an application to qualify for funding.

Only one application may be submitted per registered mailing address, and applicants must be in good standing with local taxes, utility bills and code enforcement to qualify for funding, DeWire said.

A 10% funding match is required for all qualifying projects, he said, and added applicants will receive reimbursement following each formal invoice submitted to the borough from a licensed contractor, up to a maximum funding amount of $25,000.

All work must be completed and invoiced to the borough within one year from the date of the public notification of funding distribution, DeWire said, noting that borough council reserves the right to request additional information, including estimates, and deny any and all applications.

“Once the borough solicitor confirms that our guidelines fall in line with the guidelines set forth by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, the applications will be made public,” DeWire said. “Until then, the application window has not opened.”

Council members Autumn Abelovsky, Rebecca Worthy and then-Councilman Ryan Saunders previously agreed to serve on the facade grant committee.

On Monday, Saunders was appointed by borough council as the new mayor of the borough.