Published November 05. 2024 02:52PM
Chestnuthill Township supervisors have approved the following:
• A change order for KC Mechanical in the amount of $59,164.
The work is for the water system in the shared Emergency Services Facility building. It will include additional water treatment and will be spread across two rooms to accommodate the plumbing and drainage.
• Two payments to E.F. Possinger were approved for the Silver Valley Bridge project. The payments are in the amount of $79,254.85 and $209,363.26, respectively.
• A high bid of $2,025 was accepted for the Eager Beaver trailer.
• A motion passed to authorize and sign the Emergency Operation Center federal grant agreement. It is a 25% match grant that will be used to acquire equipment including information technology items, radios, touch-screen monitors, and to build and furnish the conference room for the shared Emergency Operations Facility.
• Plans were tabled for Pleasant Valley Assembly of God Church and Pleasant Valley High School additions and renovations.
• The request for the security release of $19,952.20 to Pleasant Valley Plaza was approved, as well as the security release of $49,635.30 for Camp Jaycee.
• A waiver of the plan review for the Chestnuthill Township portion of a 362-acre lot being split into three lots at Larue High Estate was approved as revisions suggested by the engineer were completed.