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Letter to the editor: Wild talks but doesn’t act

Rep. Susan Wild has spent a lot of time lately telling us that she’s fighting to “protect our workers.”

But most of us know, there’s a big difference between talk and action. The fact is, on the biggest issues threatening American workers, Susan Wild has been a disaster.

Let’s start with illegal immigration. We know that illegal immigrants end up competing with many American blue-collar workers and driving down wages. Unfortunately, Wild has been a complete disaster on border security.

Under Joe Biden and Susan Wild, close to 10 million illegal immigrants have come across the border that we know of. That’s millions more people competing with American workers for jobs, wages, health care, and housing. How is that protecting workers?

That’s not all. Under Susan Wild, working people have had to deal with higher prices on practically everything. How do giant increases in the cost of food and housing help workers? The answer: they don’t. Susan Wild can say whatever she wants about helping workers, but we know better.

Joe Peters

Lower Towamensing