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Letter to the editor: A cemetery names Ukraine

It is said all wars are bankers’ wars. I would add wars are failures of political leadership. We are led to believe politicians’ top priority is to keep citizens safe.

Yet only President Trump didn’t engage in new wars in the last 44 years.

The money trail always leads to bankers, politicians, and the military industrial complex. Wars are not fought to advance ideologies but rather they are fought for resources, power and enrichment of those at the end of the money trail.

Let’s deep dive the Ukraine War: In 2014 under the Obama presidency, Victoria Nuland was influential in removing the duly elected president of Ukraine, President Yankovych. He was replaced with an American puppet president named Proshenko.

Proshenko was defeated in an election in 2018 with American help and replaced with a TV comedian turned politician named Zelensky who was also a puppet for the U.S.

From about 2014 Ukranian Separatists living in a region of Ukraine called Donbas were attacked by puppet presidents to eliminate them because they maintained Russian culture.

14,000 Separatists were murdered from 2014 until 2022. In an election over 90% of remaining Separatists begged President Putin to save them. In 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine.

Two agreements between Russia and Ukraine were signed specifically designed to end the genocide of the Separatists ... the American puppets violated the agreements with America’s help ... the genocide never ended until Russia invaded.

Ukraine has resources and farmland but it is also a center for corruption.

The ugly side of Ukraine involves child trafficking, women’s slavery, organ harvesting, money laundering, political corruption and bribery (Biden might know about that).

Billions wasted, 400,000 dead and Ukraine is being obliterated. Yet we continue to supply money, weapons, and soon our young people to fight in an unwinnable war. Is there any benefit for Ukrainian people? No. There are no benefits for the Ukrainian people.

Vote to save your children and grandchildren from being sacrificial lambs in a senseless war. Save the lives of many in the next generation. Vote so our children and grandchildren are not sent to a cemetery named Ukraine.

Cdr. Terrence Watto,

