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Letter to the editor: Revisit history when voting

The French Revolution wasn’t started spontaneously by the poor; it was planned and executed by wealthy elites and intellectuals.

Godless Democrat leaders today fooled many by implementing a progressive revolution using the same principles as the French revolutionaries.

The French Revolution’s enemy was Christian France; Voltaire stated, “I’m tired of hearing that twelve men were sufficient to establish Christendom; now I’ll prove how one man will be sufficient to destroy it.”

The Democrats’ veiled goal today is similar to Voltaire’s; to persecute the Church and state by despotically implementing laws that deny God’s Commandments.

Proof, why are conservative Christians being investigated by the F.B.I. and Catholic Churches vandalized with no lawful consequences?

The revolutionary orator Georges Danton in line with Voltaire advised, “To make a revolution you need paid bandits.”

Leaders like Maximillian Robespierre further expose our media and Democrat leaders, “Those who can make you believe in absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

How many absurdities today, like abortion, homosexual marriage, transgenderism, LGBT, wokeness, and illegal immigration have the revolutionary Democrats imposed on us?

Before the French Revolution absurdities in the media were plentiful and terrible atrocities did follow.

The revolutionaries closed Catholic Churches ransacking them while engaging in unimaginable orgies on the altars.

The Catholic nobles and clergy bore the brunt of their hatred as the sabers of paid bandits cowardly butchered over one hundred thousand of them. At the same time, many innocent citizens who resisted were falsely accused and led to the Guillotines.

Danton’s last statement reveals, “In revolutions, authority remains with the greatest scoundrels.”

Hopefully many have learned from the effects of the Biden administration that with a Harris/Walz victory authority will remain with the greatest scoundrels.

This election let’s not fall prey like the French population in 1789.

Walter Camier

Hazle Township