Inside Looking Out: Here’s what you should do
Here’s what you should do — words that have been said to every one of us. Let’s see how a guy named Jerry and a girl named Sherry talk about decisions Sherry has to make.
Sherry: I don’t know who to vote for president.
Jerry: Here’s what you should do. Watch the TV ads that show Harris has allowed illegal alien criminals into our country and that she’s why we have such high prices for food and for gas.
Sherry: I do, but other ads say that Trump will only tax the rich and he said himself that climate control doesn’t matter and that abortion should be a crime. Mark Twain told us to be wary of phonies. Twain said, “You take the lies out of him, and he’ll shrink to the size of your hat; you take the malice out of him, and he’ll disappear.”
Jerry: Twain’s been dead for years. That’s stuff about Trump is all fake news put out there by the Democrats.
Sherry: So only the Democrats lie and not the Republicans? There are other things too that I can’t make up my mind about. I want to buy a new car, but I don’t know who has the best deals.
Jerry: Here’s what you should do. This one dealer is offering $1000 cash to anyone who can find a better price than he has on his cars. You go there.
Sherry: So, I’m supposed to shop there for a car and take his written price to another dealer to see if he can beat the number. Who’s to say the other dealer won’t tell me he’ll go a dollar under. Then I take that number back to the first guy and now he has to go one dollar lower or he’ll give me a a grand without buying a car from him. That makes no sense. And now there’s my health too. I’m asking myself what I should do for my arthritis.
Jerry: Here’s what you should do. Watch the commercial for the prescription meds that treat your condition and like they say, ask your doctor to prescribe the one you see advertised.
Sherry: So now it’s me advising my doctor what I should take and not the doctor telling me. And then there’s another one. I have to help my daughter choose what college she should attend next year.
Jerry: Here’s what you should do. Go for the cheapest tuition. You don’t want her graduating with $100,000 in debt.
Sherry: Yes, but the college name on the degree does matter. I mean Lehigh University must be better for getting a great career than Whipahippy Tech or Podunk U.
Jerry: My rule is do what most people do. They will be right more times than not.
Sherry: Mark Twain said, “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” All these decisions to make and now I can’t even decide to eat for dinner.
Jerry: Here’s what you should do. Buy organic. You can’t go wrong.
Sherry: But I was told by a farmer that packaged organic food in the grocery store is really not organic. The FDA says it is because they are just helping the food companies make bigger profits.
Jerry: So, let me get this straight. You don’t know who to vote for president. You can’t decide what car to buy, what medicine to take, what food to eat and you don’t know what college your daughter should attend. Now hear me out. I’m voting for whomever helps my money in the stock market. I got a salesman to sell me a new car for his cost. They wouldn’t put the word “organic” on the package unless it was. That’s illegal. I would demand the doctor prescribe the drug I saw on TV. My friend’s son went to a public college and it cost him thousands less than a private college. It’s that simple.
Sherry: Here’s a fact, Jerry. The stock market has been up since three presidents ago. And With the car you bought, there’s no way he sold you a car at cost. That’s just a sales pitch. With organic food, why should we trust the FDA when we know government officials don’t always tell us the truth? With the meds, the doctor graduated medical school, but I watch a TV commercial and now I know more than him?
Jerry: Like I had said. Go with what most people think is right and you can’t go wrong.
Sherry: That’s what the South said about slavery before the Civil War broke out.
Jerry: You have to go with the flow, Sherry. You don’t want to be standing by yourself on one side of the street when everyone else is standing on the other.
Sherry: Robert Frost wrote a poem in which he said, “Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference.”
Jerry: So, you want Twain and Frost, two dead guys to give you advice? What you should do is listen to people like me. I don’t waste my time giving a single thought about anything. You have to trust what the experts say and move on.
Sherry: Wow. I just had this other thought.
Jerry: What’s that?
Sherry: Jerry, you really have helped me decide what I should do, but I do have one thing left to say.
Jerry: What’s that?
Sherry: Here’s what you should do. Stop telling me what I should do.
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