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Beltzville comment period opens; Army Corps revising master plan for park

The Army Corps of Engineers held an open house to hear input about revising the 1971 Master Plan for Beltzville State Park Thursday, opening a 30-day comment period.

The master plan is defined as “the strategic land use management document that guides the comprehensive management and development of all recreational, natural, and cultural resources throughout the life of the water resource development project.

It defines how the United States Army Corp of Engineers will manage the resources for public use and conservation.”

As there is a population increase in the area and outdoor recreation use and needs have changed the 1971 plan needs updating.

Revised land and water use classifications and new natural and recreational objectives are a key part of the new plan.

Steve Rochette, spokesman for the Army Corp of Engineers Philadelphia office, noted, “We kicked off looking at modifying and updating the master plan at land use classifications. We’re getting people familiar with the plan and allowing them to see the old plan and the first step towards a new plan.”

Invasive species and threatened and endangered species will also be explored when revising the plan.

A crowd of 30-40 people attended.

Bob Hauser of Palmerton commented, “I’m bemoaning the fact that there are many secret spots at the lake that I have found, which have been closed off due to overcrowding.”

Friends of Beltzville Chairwoman Diane Skwajkowski hopes the plan focuses on “The erosion from boats and stopping social trails. Respect of usage signs, educating visitors about special habitats would be helpful.”

Comments for the plan revision will be accepted until Nov. 9. Comments, suggestions and/or concerns must be in writing and can be submitted via the webpage: https://www.nap.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Beltzville-Dam/Beltzville-Dam-Master-Plan/

There will also be future opportunities to comment on the plan at another meeting next year. A public draft will be available October 2025 with additional public comment November 2025.

The final plan is expected to be approved in 2026.
