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COVID funds to help cover Lansford’s costs

Lansford Borough Council on Wednesday moved through a lengthy agenda, which included allocating COVID-relief funds to buy a new police vehicle and help cover the demolition cost of a crumbling downtown building.

Council approved the purchase of a 2025 Ford police sport utility vehicle from Miracle Ford in Tamaqua for $61,289.71, under a CO-STARS contract. The price at the New Holland Auto Group was $61,309.77.

The new police vehicle will be funded through the borough’s American Rescue Plan Act funds.

The borough is also considering another vehicle purchase, a truck for the streets department, but took no action on Wednesday. Council President Bruce Markovich said the new truck will cost about $114,000.

The borough plans to seek a U.S. Department of Agriculture grant to fund half the vehicle’s cost, he said. Other funds could come from state Liquid Fuels and its Sewage Transmission funds.

Council also allocated $9,076 in COVID-relief funds to cover the difference between its 2024 Community Development Block Grant funding and the estimated cost to raze 118 W. Ridge St., the former Koch building.

A local contractor estimated the demolition of the property, which partially collapsed into a vacant lot in May, at $88,876. The borough has $77,800 in CDBG funds available for the project.

The sidewalk in front of the building, which is in the borough’s business district, has been closed since the partial collapse. The back of the building continues to deteriorate and collapse.

Council also approved USDA grant/loan closing documents for the release of funds going back to a purchase of a police vehicle in 2020. Council approved closing documents, a resolution on the loan and the debt statement.

Lansford borough plans to use COVID-relief funds and grant money to help pay to raze the former Koch’s building at 118 W. Ridge St. in the downtown business district. The building partially collapsed in May, and continues to crumble. KELLY MONITZ SOCHA/TIMES NEWS