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Letter to the editor: What is happening in our country

There has never been an administration that was so callously disregarded the health and welfare of the American people as the one presently in office.

They have thrown open our borders, flooding our nation with millions of undocumented, unvetted immigrants, and flying and busing them all over the country, and then unabashedly lying to us, telling us that the border is secure.

Many of these aliens carry diseases that we had previously eradicated, while many more could be possible terrorists waiting in the shadows to strike.

The fentanyl smuggled in by others is killing upwards of 100,000 of us each year. The crimes committed by some of them is devastating many of our communities. The list goes on and on.

The only logical conclusion one can come to is that the Democrats are seeing these people as future voters for their party in a devious attempt to stay in power by diluting the strength of the legal citizens vote.

This is why the Democrats vote down any election integrity measures that are brought up.

They don’t want proof of citizenship to cast a ballot. My only hope is that the good Lord grants us the wisdom to realize the blessing we have in America, and the good sense to vote to keep it.

A vote for the Harris/Walz ticket is a vote to push our freedom loving republic down the slippery slope into a third world Socialist/Marxist Abyss.

Frank Goss
