Slatington Borough Council
Slatington borough council authorized the following ordinances at their meeting on Sept. 9:
• Ordinance 714 for fines for false burglar and fire alarms, as well as enforcement, violations and penalties;
• Ordinance 716 to control the planting, growing or cultivating of bamboo and to prevent the spread of noxious vegetation;
• Ordinance 717 for the Borough of Slatington Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map;
• Ordinance 718 for the official map of the Borough of Slatington.
The council also approved these items:
• The height clearance on West Center Avenue was reduced, establishing a 9-foot height restriction;
• Lisa Young, solicitor, will prepare an easement for the Masonic Lodge Community Center;
• Gibson Paving will do road patches in front of 333 S. Walnut St., 432 Kuehner Ave., 1026 Oakhurst Drive and 344 Chestnut St. for $12,000 to be paid by the COVID-19 Economic Relief Fund;
• Northern Lehigh School District to hold the annual Northern Lehigh Homecoming Parade from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 4;
• Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce to hold the annual tree lighting ceremony from 5 to 7 p.m. Dec. 6 at Slatington Memorial Park;
• An elevator dedication ceremony at 6 p.m. Oct. 9 at the Slatington Public Library;
• Final payout of paid time off and comp time for Manager Daniel Stevens, who retired Sept. 7;
• Appointment of David Schnaars to be the Open Records officer for borough requests from residents, and to sign for up to $5,000 to make purchases without Borough approval.
• A contract with Snyder Environmental Services for lining sewer main from manhole 18 to 22 at a cost of $24,310;
• Transfer funds to pay the following borough bills: Sewer Authority bills, Tad Miller, $125; Lisa Young, $15,540; Hamburg, Rubin, Mullen, Maxwell & Lubin, services for May, $10,516.50, services for June, $4,980, services for July, $2,925; Campbell, Rappold & Yurasits LLP, 2023-2024 authority audit expense, $5,200; Commonwealth of PA — 2024 Chapter 302 Annual Fee, $150; David Frederick replenishment of petty cash, $60.29; total of bills, $39,496.79;
• Pay assistant treasurer’s time and travel from June 10 to Sept. 9: travel, 23 miles, at 67 cents per mile, $15.41; hours, 14 at $30 per hour, $420.
• Councilor Ryan Mayberry announced that he is looking for volunteers for a committee for the Keystone Community Program Designations, which is also called Main Street Matters. Contact the borough for more information at 610-767-2131.
— Patricia Ingles