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Letter to the editor: Willie Brown’s “Party Girl”

For those who may be unaware, Kamala Harris is well-known throughout California as Willie Brown’s “party girl.” That’s because, as a single woman in the mid 1990s, Kamala orchestrated her way to the top of the California Democratic Party by sleeping and partying with a married career politician named Willie Brown.

Willie at the time was one of the most powerful and influential Democrat bosses in California history. He was the speaker of the California State Assembly, a prominent position he’d held for 15 consecutive years. And Willie was as ruthless, as audacious, and as corrupt as they come. He later became the mayor of San Francisco and held that seat for eight years.

Kamala didn’t climb to the top of the Democratic Party ladder because of any personal achievements, superior intellect, or particular ability as a politician. She might be a dynamo in the bedroom, but in the political arena she’s mediocre at best and has all the acumen of a high school sophomore on the debate team. She had an open affair with a married man nearly twice her age, someone she knew had the raw political power to push her up the rungs of the ladder and she made the most of it. Kamala’s scandalous history of unethical and immoral personal behavior with old Willie makes Hillary Clinton appear virtuous by comparison. Kamala Harris is categorically unfit to hold the office of vice-president, much less the office of president.

As bad as it’s been in this country since 2021, it can – and just might – become a whole lot worse in the very near future. Kamala Harris, the California tart commonly referred to as Willie Brown’s “party girl,” could be our nation’s final straw and the one who pushes the United States right off a cliff.

L. Ernie Foucault
