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Top coal shovelers

Top finishers in Sunday’s coal shoveling competition at the Number 9 Mine and Museum Heritage Festival were honored by event volunteers. From left: Dale Freudenberger, Alex Shereba, Gavin Seip, second place; Shane Frederickson, first; George Budihas, third; and volunteer Bill Harleman. Look for a related Saturday Spotlight about the festival and coal heritage. DONALD R. SERFASS/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS

Top finishers in Sunday’s coal shoveling competition at the Number 9 Mine and Museum Heritage Festival were honored by event volunteers. From left: Dale Freudenberger, Alex Shereba, Gavin Seip, second place; Shane Frederickson, first; George Budihas, third; and volunteer Bill Harleman. Look for a related Saturday Spotlight about the festival and coal heritage. DONALD R. SERFASS/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS