Where We Live: Have respect for people’s property
How difficult can it be to respect the property of another?
Evidently, it’s much more strenuous than ever before, based on several instances that suggest as much.
So, a homeowner has a backyard in their respective town that leads to an alley that is not fenced in.
One day, said homeowner walks out to their backyard only to come in contact with a nice fresh batch of animal feces.
Ah, what a perfect way to begin the day, all because of the pure laziness exhibited by that animal’s keeper.
How long would it really have taken the animal’s keeper to clean up the mess their animal made?
A few seconds, one would think. Apparently, it’s way too long for them to dare bother themselves with.
Just because this particular property in question doesn’t have a fence, that doesn’t mean “your property is my property.”
Evidently this must not have been the first time such a situation has unfolded at this particular homeowner’s backyard.
As a result, a sign that kindly asks any pet owner to clean up after their pet is now posted in the homeowner’s backyard.
The homeowner can only hope that the pet’s keeper has enough respect to adhere to the homeowner’s more-than-reasonable request.
It’s safe to assume they wouldn’t want the unenviable task of cleaning up animal feces on their property from a pet that isn’t their own.
Really, it shouldn’t be all that complicated of a task to carry a few paper towels and a bag to dispose of said animal feces with them.
All it really boils down to is that everyone should do their best to abide by the Golden Rule, which is to treat other’s property as you would your own.
People work hard to keep their lawns well maintained and free of any unnecessary sights or unwelcome hindrances that could affect or even damage their properties.
After all, respect is supposed to be a two-way street, something that’s earned and not given.
Those who blatantly refuse to clean up their messes make it hard for others to respect them.
While it’s no reflection on the pets themselves, it’s instead aimed toward their keepers.
Take the high road and clean up after your pet.
It’s as easy as two words that can mean quite a lot: common decency.
Displaying such can go a long way.
Not to mention it’s free of charge.
All it takes is a little effort.