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Weissport discusses motorbikes

Weissport Borough Council questioned Chief of Police Matthew Williams this week about what can be done about children riding motorized bicycles in the streets overnight.

“I’ve been trying to watch for them,” Williams said.

“If you have a Class C license, and it’s 49 ccs or under, you can ride it on the road, but you must have a headlight on it,” Williams said.

“Technically, I could cite them for not having the light on it,” Williams said. “For some people, they don’t have a driver’s license, that’s their mode of transportation.

We try to accommodate people as best we can.”

According to Borough Solicitor Greg Mousseau, an eBike rider must be at least 16 years of age, and cannot go faster than 20 mph.

“They have the loud motors,” Council Member Brenda Leiby said. “Three in the morning they go down the middle of the street, and one very small child rides a toy motorized car on the street.”

Williams mentioned that there is an ordinance that comes under disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct, which would include making noise.

He also advised council that there is a curfew in the borough.

“From 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., seven days a week, children under the age of 18 cannot be out on the streets unless accompanied by an adult,” he said.

In related news, Chief Williams presented his monthly report for July 2024.

The department had 16 calls, which included three non-traffic issues, one possession of drug paraphernalia, one health and safety call, one criminal arrest, and one false ID presented to law enforcement.

In other business, Council member Bill Hartzell was appointed to represent the borough for emergency management.

Council received several applications for public works positions. Council will conduct interviews and make its recommendations to the council.

After an executive session, Council voted to pay $334.75 to Mark Ashley for damage to a rear window on his vehicle caused by a borough employee who was cutting grass; a stone was thrown by the mower and hit the car.

A reminder that the first September meeting of the Weissport Borough Council will move to Tuesday, Sept. 3, at 7 p.m. because of the Labor Day holiday.

The council normally meets the first and third Monday of the month.