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Future of Coaldale veterans banners unclear

Those who purchased banners to recognize Coaldale veterans will be asked how they’d like to see them displayed.

According to council President Claire Remington, it’s getting more difficult for borough workers to place and remove them each year.

“We don’t have that many employees,” she said. “Lansford didn’t even put theirs up. Some of the towns aren’t anymore. A lot of them are getting faded.”

Remington questioned whether the borough should continue hanging the banners.

“Or if we are interested, just putting them on our main streets and not everywhere we had them before, which was my fault,” she said. “The people wanted them by their houses and I thought it was fair, but it’s not feasible for us.

“If we had four guys working, it would be a different story.”

Councilwoman Angela Krapf said she had been advocating to have them taken down each year, instead of having them hang year-round.

“I mean, these people are paying (about) $250 for this banner, and when they are staying up they get ruined so much faster,” she said.

Councilman Wayne Figner suggested returning the banners to those who purchased them.

“They could hang it on their property,” he said.

Borough workers typically remove the banners after Veterans Day each year.

“We’ll contact the people. We have all their numbers and see how they feel about it,” Remington said. “Then we will make a decision.”

Krapf said the borough is open to suggestions.

She also noted that the borough doesn’t have the equipment needed to hang the banners.

“We are at the mercy of when we can borrow a bucket truck,” Krapf added.

Remington said that Tom Reigel of Tom Reigel Heating & Plumbing Services, Lansford, provides the bucket truck to the borough each year at no cost.