Published August 16. 2024 04:00PM
Chestnuthill Township Supervisors acted on or reported the following items during their August meeting.
• West End Fire Company reported 35 calls for July.
• The Office of Emergency Management held their annual meeting about the West End Fair on Aug. 1.
• The Recycling Center continues to get improvements as the canopy and dolly path bid was awarded to Multiscape Inc. at a cost of $30,023.
• A Legal Stability Agreement was made between the township and American Legion Post 927 to obtain a grant to pave the handicap spots in the parking lot.
• Submitted an application for the Municipal Assistance Program grant, requesting 50% of the funding for the CJERP Regional Plan update. The townships involved are Chestnuthill, Jackson, Eldred, Ross and Polk.
• Authorized Attorney Farei to advertise for a hearing for the Fireworks Ordinance at 7 p.m. on Oct. 15 at the West End Firehall. This will be a joint hearing with Jackson Township.
• A banner resolution was passed for a Bruins Wrestling banner for registration and the 50th Anniversary, Sept. 15 to 20. The banner will be placed along Route 209 not more than 15 days before the event.
— Lori R. Cooper