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Nesquehoning Borough Council

Nesquehoning borough council acted on the following items during the monthly meeting last Thursday.

• Approved the job description for a detective, contingent upon the solicitor’s review.

• Approved the purchase of a Data Pilot System for the police in the amount of $1,690.

• Mayor Tom Kattner reminds residents that the borough police, as well as first responders, do a lot for the community and urged residents to show more respect for them and for the town.

• Councilwoman Lois Kuba thanked everyone for helping to raise $8,840 for the Go Joe 27 fundraiser last week.

• Approved getting the CAT 9089 loader repaired by Diesel Service Inc. of Reading at a cost of $9,126.11. The loader will be transported to the company by an outside company for $600.

• Ratified a sewer pipe encasement for an exposed main sewer line between the Hauto Valley Estates and Lake Hauto at a cost of $20,038.

• Awarded a contract to LB/DB Construction for the Johnson and Jacobs Memorial Park Improvement Project in the amount of $162,854. Council had scaled the project down after previous bids came in approximately double than what council had secured in grants.

• Councilwoman Lisa Shubeck announced that National Night Out will be held from 6-8:30 p.m. on Aug. 6. The event is held near the recreation center on West Railroad Street.

• The next borough recreation committee meeting for Aug. 5 has been canceled.

• Authorized council President David Hawk to sign the agreement with VFW Post 8008 with regards to a state grant the VFW got for its memorial project on the east end of town.

• Councilwoman Suzanne Smith reminds all residents that the lead pipe surveys should have been received and asks that residents take the time to complete the survey and return the mailer to the borough or online.