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Area Lions receive international awards

Several people active in area Lions Clubs received special recognition at the Lions Club District 14-U cabinet meeting on June 30 at the West Penn Lions Club Pavilion in New Ringgold.

The International President’s Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Pamela McElmoyle, president of the Jim Thorpe Lions Club; and Daniel Borchick, second vice district governor of District 14-U and a member of the McAdoo Lions Club.

“This award is to recognize Lions who should be rewarded for the work they are doing in Lions,” said Robert Miller, past international director and member of the West Penn Lions Club.

In addition, Lisa Leon, past district governor and member of the Stroudsburg Lions Club, was presented with the International President’s Leadership Award.

“This is the third highest award in Lions,” Miller said.

Matthew Uroskie, who finished his term as district governor of Lions Club District 14-U, presents the International Lions Club President Certificate of Appreciation to Pamela McElmoyle, president of the Jim Thorpe Lions Club. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Daniel Borchick, at right, of the McAdoo Lions Club and second vice district governor for Lions Club District 14-U, receives the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation at the District 14-U cabinet meeting. Beside him, from left to right, are Robert W. Miller, West Penn Lions Club and past international director; and Matthew Uroskie, former district governor of Lions Club District 14-U. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Past District Governor Lisa Leon, center, is presented with the International President’s Leadership Award at the District 14-U cabinet meeting. With Leon, from left to right, are Robert Miller, past international director; David B. Leon, past district governor; Matthew Uroskie, past district governor; and Linda Zaneski, past council chairperson. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO