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Flower show awards

New Pocono Garden Club member Carole Strodel, right, shows off two of her winning design entries with the help of Linda Long, co-chair of the club’s annual Flower Show and Plant Sale. Strodel won first place in the category of Our National Parks and Third Place in the category of Majestic Mountains. The show theme was “The Beauty of America,” and the event was held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Tannersville. CHRIS GRAPE-GARVEY/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS

New Pocono Garden Club member Carole Strodel, right, shows off two of her winning design entries with the help of Linda Long, co-chair of the club’s annual Flower Show and Plant Sale. Strodel won first place in the category of Our National Parks and Third Place in the category of Majestic Mountains. The show theme was “The Beauty of America,” and the event was held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Tannersville. CHRIS GRAPE-GARVEY/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS