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Lansford to add complaint forms to town website

Lansford Borough residents will soon be able to lodge complaints, such as high weeds, abandoned vehicles, or trash, on the borough’s website, in addition to forms available at the office.

Council, who again fielded numerous complaints during their meeting Wednesday night, approved the revamped complaint form presented by borough secretary Maria Ahner.

“I think it looks cleaner than it was before,” she told residents and council members and asked for feedback on the forms, which were available for the public to review.

Residents will also be able to fill out the form online, and the complaint will be directed either to the code or zoning officer or the police department to investigate.

Residents need to include their name, phone number and email, in case more information is needed, but the personal information is only for use by borough officials, Ahner said.

The complaints will also be given numbers, which the resident can keep and refer to when following up on the matter.

“Great job,” Councilman Jack Soberick said, making the motion to approve the new form. Other council members also praised the new form.

The code, ordinance and zoning committee had previously discussed changing the complaint method, as many residents were afraid to sign their names to complaints, leaving them open to retribution from neighbors.

Soberick had suggested complaint forms that would keep the resident’s name and information confidential, and allow borough officials and police to investigate the complaint themselves, much like police tips.