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Letter to the editor: A white rabbit

A white rabbit is known as a snowshoe rabbit. They turn white in the winter months.

In the mid 1990s, I shot a snowshoe rabbit in Hickory Run, near the Boulder Fields.

In about the early 1990s, I donated the snowshoe rabbit to the Beltzville Park.

They had a building with different animals there. Fox, bear, birds, etc.

The building was not open daily.

When it was open, they had different events, including school children who got see the animals and birds.

From time to time when they were open, I would stop. Recently when I stopped, the rabbit I donated was gone. When I inquired about it, nobody knew what happened! Which is a shame the young children liked seeing the difference animals!

How many people have ever seen a snowshoe rabbit?

I would like to know where it is! It appears someone took it, which is not fair. The purpose it was given was to share! Taking it was in essence stealing! All I ask is for it to be returned. No questions asked!

Norman C. Sutters


A Retired Navy Vet

A Senior Citizen Who Just Wants Justice Served!