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CCTI adds engineering program

Carbon Career & Technical Institute announces the launch of its latest technical area - the Engineering Technology program. This innovative addition to the curriculum reflects CCTI’s commitment to preparing students for dynamic careers in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

The Engineering Technology program of study is designed to develop student interests and skills for a career in the dynamic and rapidly evolving engineering field, and to equip students with practical skills and theoretical knowledge essential for success in the field.

It offers hands-on, practical, and project-based engineering technology experiences to prepare students for further engineering education at a technical school, two-year or four-year college. Additionally, students completing the program will have developed the necessary technical, hands-on skills to pursue entry-level technician positions.

Instruction includes but is not limited to, safety, ethics, teamwork, problem-solving and design, engineering graphics, automated systems and programming, materials, power, fundamental electronics and mechatronics, robotics, and manufacturing systems as well as adhering to the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) initiative.

This interdisciplinary program integrates principles of engineering, mathematics, and applied sciences to foster a deep understanding of technical problem-solving and innovation.

Students enrolled in the Engineering Technology program will benefit from a state-of-the-art facility, hands-on laboratory experiences, and mentorship from faculty, who are experts in their field.

The curriculum emphasizes real-world applications and industry-relevant projects, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to meet the demands of today’s competitive job market.

“We are excited to introduce the Engineering Technology program at CCTI,” said Michelle Allen, principal.

“This program aligns with our mission to provide unique opportunities for students to build a better future, and to provide students with opportunities to excel in high-demand fields. Through rigorous coursework and practical experience, students will develop the skills and knowledge needed to become leaders in engineering technology.”

Carbon Career & Technical Institute is a leading institution dedicated to technical and academic excellence and innovation.

CCTI offers a wide range of programs designed to prepare students for success in their chosen careers.

With a focus on technical learning CCTI is committed to fostering a community of lifelong learners and future leaders.