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Palmerton hosts government forum to educate residents

Palmerton residents with an interest in local government can educate themselves on the process.

Councilwoman Holly Hausman-Sell gave a brief report on the borough’s government forum at Thursday’s borough council meeting.

Hausman-Sell said the government forum is held from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on third Tuesday of each month at the Palmerton Area Library, 402 Delaware Ave.

She said borough Manager Autumn Canfield meets with any member of the public, and would love to see more people attend the government forum.

The inaugural government forum, entitled “Let’s Talk Government,” was held in February at the library.

Those who attended could learn about budgeting, grants, operations, services, regulatory entities, assets, and more.

In January, borough council approved the partnership with the Palmerton Area Library for a local government forum.

Canfield said that while open communication and better transparency are important aspects, education is also a top priority.