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Distinguished Alumnus honors bestowed

Alice Yacobenas Miller ’68, Bruce Svetz ‘83 and the late Hugh “Wink” Gallagher ’31, posthumously, were named Distinguished Alumnus Award recipients during Marian Catholic High School’s second annual program held recently. Shown at the induction ceremony are, front, from left, Yacobenas Miller ’68, Marge Gallagher Coassolo ’66 (daughter of Gallagher) and Bruce Svetz ’83; and second row, Board of Directors Chairman Patrick Reilly, Mark Coassolo ’90 (grandson of Gallagher) and Head of School Michael Brennan ’06. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Alice Yacobenas Miller '68, Bruce Svetz ‘83 and the late Hugh “Wink” Gallagher '31, posthumously, were named Distinguished Alumnus Award recipients during Marian Catholic High School's second annual program held recently. Shown at the induction ceremony are, front, from left, Yacobenas Miller '68, Marge Gallagher Coassolo '66 (daughter of Gallagher) and Bruce Svetz '83; and second row, Board of Directors Chairman Patrick Reilly, Mark Coassolo '90 (grandson of Gallagher) and Head of School Michael Brennan '06.