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Jim Thorpe uses fund balance to keep taxes level

Jim Thorpe Area School District’s board of directors approved its 2024-25 operating budget Monday night with no real estate tax increase.

The budget calls for expenditures of $50.17 million against $47.46 million in revenue.

In order to balance the budget, Jim Thorpe is estimating a drop in its fund balance from $14.1 million at the beginning of the year to $11.44 when the fiscal year concludes.

“I think we have enough in the fund balance that we don’t have to put any new taxes out there,” director Gerald Strubinger said at a meeting last month, when the proposed budget was approved.

A half-mill tax increase would have generated $325,732 in revenue. The board’s decision to keep taxes level marks over a decade since the district last adopted an increase.

The state has issued an additional $200,000 in the homestead/farmstead tax reduction program for next year. In Jim Thorpe, that means 4,200 property owners will see a reduction of $48 in their property taxes compared to last year.

Act 93 agreement

The board also on Monday approved an Act 93 agreement for its administrators effective July 1 through June 30, 2028.

Beginning on July 1, 2025, and the following years of the agreement, a 3% raise will be given to each administrator upon receiving a satisfactory evaluation.

Additionally, annual longevity stipends based on years of full-time service with the district have been established.

The stipends are $500 for 5-9 years of full-time service; $1,000 for 10-14 years and $1,500 for 15 or more years.

The district will continue to provide comprehensive health insurance, with options for administrators to maintain coverage upon retirement. Retirees with at least 15 years of full-time service will be eligible for up to 12 years of medical insurance coverage or until they qualify for Medicare.

Upon retirement, administrators with 15 years of full-time service will receive a one-time payment of $10,000 into a 403(b) account.

Other action

Jim Thorpe hired several employees Monday including Ryan Delong as high school assistant principal at a salary of $85,000, Marlee Jones as the Penn Kidder Campus emotional support teacher at a salary of $51,930, Ashley Hopkins as the high school emotional support teacher at a salary of $50,930, Kristin Scott as an LB Morris special education teacher at a salary of $50,930, Cassidy Roos as a Penn Kidder Campus special education teacher at a salary of $50,930, and Heather Snyder as an LB Morris special education teacher at a salary of $56,430.