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Palmerton farm offers program for youth

The Ride for Youth Fund, a nonprofit established by Apollo Farms Ltd. in Palmerton for at risk youth in Carbon County, wants to let people know about its programs and welcomes donations from businesses.

The Ride for Youth Fund was established in 2005. It is focused on promoting a positive environment that encourages healing and growth for at-risk youth in Carbon County through the assistance of their equine counterparts.

Ride for Youth is the only program of its kind in Carbon County for children struggling with serious issues that may affect their daily lives. By using the horses and the programs unique model, the team at Ride for Youth gives children an opportunity to set clear boundaries, while developing and discovering life management skills they can use every day.

The Ride For Youth program currently works with Lehighton Middle and High School. The at-risk youth that are most fragile are selected by the school guidance counselors to participate in the program. These are children who need help working through depression, abuse, loss, bullying, and/or any debilitating issue.

Ride for Youth staff work directly with each child using the horses as model and guides. They utilize a non-riding model that is child-centered and solution-oriented. All sessions are custom-designed for the specific needs of the children within the group.

Currently, the Ride For Youth Fund is seeking local business support, so that the program can grow and reach more schools. Local businesses that support the program will receive recognition via social media, program advising, and on upcoming news specials. The program also has a summer portion that is a safe heaven for many of the children that rely on any outside resource - other than their current home situation - as a place of comfort.

Donations for the Ride for Youth Fund are tax deducible and provide scholarships that cover 100% of the costs associated with participating in a program at Apollo Farms Ltd. There is absolutely no cost to the children or their families.

In addition, the program is open to children who qualify through our application process. If someone knows of an at-risk youth who would benefit from the positive and life changing experience that the program offers, then please visit the link to submit an application at https://apollofarmsltd.com/youth-program.

Marli Wentz brushes a horse at Apollo Farms in Palmerton. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Above: Some youth at Apollo Farms in Palmerton take care of a horse. They are from left to right Antoine Makoumbou, Deegan Berry, Marli Wentz, Stephanie Calderon Jimenez and Aniyah Acevedo. At right: Marli Wentz brushes a horse at Apollo Farms in Palmerton. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS