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Letter to the editor: The torment, tragedy and tribulation of DJT.”

MAGA anti-American forces want to change our country because they think it is being destroyed by communities of color, LGBQT, feminists and immigrants.

“Congress Has Failed For More Than Two Decades to Reform Immigration.” In May 2024 the most secure Republican based border bill was voted down again by, yes, Republicans.

Moody Analytics reported “annual inflation rate was going up for decades, and Biden’s agenda will encourage long term growth and ease Inflation.”

Trump recently told Republicans his policy will lower prices but many economists who looked at the plan said it would push prices up. Macro-economic befuddlement from DJT.

President Biden is working from the middle out and bottom up to help Americans. Nobel economist Joseph E. Stiglitz, “The American Economy is Rigged.” Available on line.

Americans are panicky about losing their Social Security and Medicare benefits if Republicans take over Congress. Senator Rick Scott of Florida already wrote a plan to sunset Social Security and Medicare.

Trump is out for revenge and retribution, sees no point in NATO, and has mocked the U.S. Military. September 2023, (Atlantic Magazine) he implied Joint Chief of Staff Milley (highest ranking military officer) was a traitor and deserves to be put to death. See June 2024 Newsweek too.

Autocrats can only gain power with the active support of others. Those who display narcissistic grandiose behavior are mentally unwell and should never be trusted with the nuclear codes.

“Project 2025” is a Republican authoritarian movement to become an autocracy and undermine the rule of law and separation of powers, against the Constitution. Its ready to start on Day 1, including use of the Comstock Act to virtually stop all abortions.

Sadly, Trumpism hate and contempt for others has destroyed long time friendships, lead to broken communications and family separations.

Women have a very long memory. The 2022 abortion ban has resulted in horrifying reproductive health care chaos, life-altering pain and suffering for pregnant females including American doctors. A Red state, real-life, hellscape.

Debra Becker
