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Franklin Twp. rolls past Jim Thorpe

Just how dominant was Franklin Township in its District 18 10-12 All-Star game against Jim Thorpe on Monday?

Eight of the 12 Franklin players got hits in the game, even though most of them batted just twice.

Only two players got three turns at the plate.

The consistency of that hitting gave FT an easy 15-0 victory over Thorpe in a game that was stopped with just one out in the bottom of the third due to the 15-run rule.

It was the second easy win in a row for Franklin in the tournament. It previously won by a 12-2 score against Towamensing on Friday night.

“I wasn’t surprised how we played and hit,” said Franklin Township head coach Ben Moyer.

“(In the regular season) these kids have been known to hit the baseball. That’s why they’re here (as all-stars), to hit the baseball and put some runs on the board.”

Pitcher Owen Moyer was one of the players who got only two chances to bat - even though he bats in the No. 3 lineup spot.

He made both of them count.

In the first inning, with two runners on base, he hammered the ball over the right field fence. In his second appearance, in inning two, he had another RBI when he belted a triple to the outfield fence.

That triple came right after Carter Spotts had also unleashed a triple.

Spotts got on base all three of his times at bat and scored twice. The final hit by Spotts was a whistling double that drove home Parker Cummings for the 15th run.

Moyer’s pitching was superb. He walked just one batter and didn’t allow any hits. A second Jim Thorpe player reached first on what was ruled catcher’s interference.

Moyer recorded five strikeouts. None of his pitches got beyond infield territory.

Obviously, coach Moyer was proud of his team.

“The first two games, we’re really hitting the ball,” he said. “Everybody has been hitting the ball hard, and we’re not giving up easy outs.”

Just as obvious, Franklin is making a statement in the playoffs.

A year ago, FT was beat out of a district championship by Valley West.

Banners hanging on the refreshment stand show Franklin teams won the district’s 8-10 championships in 2021 and 2022. A lot of the players on this year’s 10-12 team played on those title squads.

“They know what it feels like (to win championships), but they also know what it takes to get there,” he said. “Don’t get too high, don’t get too low and just keep playing.”

Despite some stellar performances, coach Moyer stresses the team concept.

“There are no stars here,” he said. “It’s a team effort. Everybody is involved. Everybody making things happen. We’re not going to single anybody out. Everybody plays great.

“We have a lot of kids we can count on.”

A QUICK START ... The first two runners for Franklin Township got on base because of errors, and then the offensive freight train started rolling. Not only did Franklin have 11 hits to Jim Thorpe’s none, but only one Franklin batter struck out. Nine of the 12 Franklin players scored.

NEXT UP ... Franklin’s next game will be Friday - probably at home - against Hazleton. Thorpe will face Tamaqua on Wednesday.

A GOOD FIELD ... There’s always a good turnout of fans for Franklin, whose home field is at Phifer’s Ice Dam. Phifer’s is a great field to watch a game. There are bleachers behind both first and third base. There is a lot of room for folding chairs or standing. The outfield has pavilions where people can relax to watch the games. Next to the field is the serenity of two ponds. And, the hot dogs at the refreshment stand taste great.

Jim Thorpe 000 - 0 0 3

Franklin Township 744 - 15 12 0

P. Grant, Schrantz and Jackson; Moyer and Spotts. W - Moyer. L - P. Grant. HR: Franklin Township - Moyer (1st, two on).

Franklin Township's Jayce Graham scampers back to third base while Jim Thorpe's Danny Off waits for a throw. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Franklin Township's Owen Moyer delivers a pitch against Jim Thorpe on Monday. Moyer pitched a three-inning no-hitter as his team posted a 15-0 win. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS