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Running event held to help Odd Fellows Cemetery

The first “Three Links 5K Run/Walk” was held recently at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Tamaqua. Sponsored by the International Order of Odd Fellows Harmony Lodge No. 86, the fundraising event brought 41 walkers and runners. The first place winner finished the course in under 20 minutes. The run committee consisted of Harmony Lodge members Justin Bailey, Nicole Inama and Jody Kellner. The American Legion Post 173 of Tamaqua presented the cemetery with a donation of $670.75. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Participants of the recent “Three Links 5K Run/Walk” at Odd Fellows Cemetery in Tamaqua are shown after reaching the finish line. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
The recent “Three Links 5K Run/Walk” took participants on the winding roads of the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Tamaqua. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO