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Jim Thorpe updating fees for school use

Jim Thorpe Area School District is considering an updated policy aimed at managing costs and access to school facilities.

Wednesday’s board workshop included discussion about the various groups permitted to use district facilities and the hidden costs that arise from it.

“If someone is using the facility on a weekend, for example, we have to pay a custodian to come in to open that building at a rate of almost $50 per hour when you factor in overtime and every other typical payroll fee,” Superintendent Robert Presley said.

The district is exploring a tiered approach to categorize facility usage. The proposed guidelines define four levels, each with different user groups and corresponding fee structures.

Level one would include district organizations and affiliated groups (e.g., classes, clubs, PTA/PTO, local emergency personnel). There would be no facility fees except for stadium use.

Level two would include school age athletic or youth groups primarily comprising district students (e.g., local sports clubs). Custodian fees would apply for events outside normal work hours and a one-time fee for the season would be implemented for certain facilities.

Level three would include civic service or community organizations and groups with mixed membership (some district students). Single-use and custodial/security fees would apply.

Level four would include private interest groups and for-profit entities. Single-use and custodial/security fees would apply.

Jim Thorpe included a fee schedule within its workshop agenda on Wednesday that spells out how much each facility would cost for each level. For example, using the high school gym costs nothing for level one, $200 for the season for level two, $200 per use for level three, and $500 per use for level four.

According to the proposed policy, any special event or tournament that is outside the scope of a practice or game would be charged an additional fee per day that is equal to the per season fee for level two groups and the per use fee for level three and four groups.

Custodial fees are $50 per hour, based on overtime rates. Security fees are $35.02 per hour for armed security, and $28 per hour for unarmed security.

“We’re not trying to make money at all,” Presley said. “We’re just trying to make sure the taxpayers aren’t getting the bill for this, especially for those outside events or tournaments.”

The board aims to finalize the policy soon and vote on it, potentially by July 1, to ensure groups are informed and can plan accordingly.

“I currently have a placeholder for this on the agenda for (tonight),” Presley said. “I would love to see it in place for July but if it has to go until the end of July to do it, we can let the clubs know there are going to be some changes that are coming.”