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Carbon courthouse work on schedule

Carbon County’s $5 million courthouse renovation remains on schedule and in budget, as its commissioners on Thursday approved change orders to electrical and mechanical contracts.

Commissioners Chairman Michael Sofranko thanked everyone involved in the project for watching the purse strings and keeping everything on track.

“We are doing our best to keep this within budget,” he said.

The commissioners approved two change orders. One with JBM Mechanical Inc. of Nazareth to remove a fin tube in Room 106 uses credit allowances of fund the $1,184 cost, and the other with G.R. Noto Electrical Construction of Clark Summit, reduces the contract price by $4,005.

Other business

In other business, the commissioners approved:

• Advertising for bids for two Community Development Block Grant projects: water and sewer improvements for a water main on Cherry Avenue in Jim Thorpe, and reconstruction of Brimble Wall and Street in Lansford.

• Recognized the 100th anniversary of the Mauch Chunk Rotary Club, known as the Jim Thorpe Rotary Club, of Jim Thorpe.

• A purchase of service agreement with Community Specialists’ Corporation of Pittsburgh, Summit Academy, Pittsburgh, for Children & Youth.

• The 2023-24 third-quarter MATP Report for submission to the state Department of Human Services as prepared by LANTA.

• Submitting a change to a grant application for funding from the state Commission on Crime and Delinquency for mental health initiative, crisis management and pretrial diversion. This modification extends the grant to Dec. 31, 2024. The funding remains the same at $108,464.

• A banner request for the Weatherly Hill Climb Association, Weatherly Hill Climb, Sept. 14 and 15, 2024, banner request for Aug. 30 to Sept. 17.

• A purchase of service agreement for the following provider: City Mission, Living Stones Inc., Uniontown.

• A letter of agreement between the county and Carbon County Action Committee for Human Services to provide assistance under the Homeless Assistance Program guidelines and funding provisions in the amount of $27,359, for the term July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

• A letter of agreement between the county and CCACHS to provide assistance under the Human Services Development Fund program guideline and funding provisions for $50,000 for the term July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

Shepherd House Inc. Plan submission for the state Food Purchase Program from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. The revenue allocation has not been finalized.

• A renewal of a three-year service agreement with PenTeleData for internet access via cable modem for the Administration Building and phone service via cable modem for 76 Susquehanna and 4 Broadway at a monthly recurring fee of $358.85. This is a decrease of $47.95.

• Ratify a stipulation between a taxpayer, Befesa Zinc U.S., Inc., Palmerton Area School District and the county regarding the aggregate assessment for three tax parcels at 900 Delaware Ave. in Palmerton, shall be $491,920.

• Acceptance of a professional services quote to engage Andreas Appraisals of Palmerton and Philadelphia to perform a commercial real estate appraisal and prepare a formal report of the market value of a parcel located at 239-241 N. First St., Lehighton, in the matter of Eagle Properties & Management Corp. vs. Carbon County Board of Assessment Appeals for $6,000.

• Local elected officials’ agreement between Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne counties to organize and implement activities pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act for Jan. 1, 2024, to June 30, 2027.