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Tamaqua Borough Council approves appointments

Tamaqua Borough council made a number of appointments to both paid positions and volunteer boards during its recent meeting.

Shane Young received a permanent transfer to a mechanic/street worker position.

Council hired John Leinthall as a wastewater treatment plant operator at a rate of $25.90 per hour.

A number of lifeguards were hired for the borough pool and will receive $10 per hour, plus 25 cents for each year served.

George Haldeman was appointed to the Civil Service Commission, and Kyle Oliphant and Steve Milkovits as alternates.

Dave Clemson was appointed to the Zoning Hearing Board with Thomas Schlorf as alternate.

It was noted that the East End Playground is in need of volunteer help.

Also during the meeting, council approved the sale of 236 and 238 Columbia St. to Steve Matalavage for $1,000 with an agreement that it must be demolished within a year.

The borough will sell a 2014 Ford Interceptor police car, 2016 Ford Explorer police car and a 2005 Dodge Ram 1500 truck on the Municibid online government auction website.