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Mahoning Township Supervisors

Mahoning Township supervisors took the following action last week:

• Approved a letter of extension for the BTS commercial subdivision granting time to review until Aug. 31. It’s a 2-lot subdivision off Mall Lane and Route 443.

• Approved a letter of extension for the Mahoning Site LLC land development for a solar field on Country Club Road, granting time to review until Aug. 31.

• Agreed to purchase speed signs to limit the speed to 25 miles per hour from Breezewood Drive to Breezewood Road.

• On a 4-1 vote, agreed to advertise the Deferred Retirement Option Program ordinance, and to vote on it next month. DROP is a benefit program that allows members to receive a one-time lump sum payment at the time of their retirement. Supervisor Deb McGowan was opposed.

• Adopted an ordinance for comprehensive amendments for the township’s zoning ordinance.

• Approved an estimate for supplementation of the township’s zoning and subdivision code in an amount not to exceed $2,285.

• Agreed to purchase a repair part for the paver (Screed Ware Plate) in the amount of $1,409 for the road department.

• Approved a proposal from PenTeleData for Cloud Solutions, Microsoft 365 Business, $1,134 one-time charge, plus $87 per month.

• Approved the generator maintenance agreement with Powerton Generators in the amount of $579 per year for the road department’s generator.

• Tabled a resolution for the stormwater fee schedule.

• Granted authorization for the purchase of a credit card for the township in an amount not to exceed $5,000.

• Approved a request for fire police to assist at this year’s Carbon County Fair.

- Terry Ahner