Easton writers’ group holds hybrid meetings
The Greater Lehigh Valley Writers’ Group will hold its monthly meeting from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday.
The meeting is offered in a hybrid format - in-person at the Palmer Branch at the Easton Library, 1 Weller Place, Easton, and online via Zoom.
From 11 a.m. to noon, author Donna Brennan will present “Openings, Hooks, Transitions, and Endings: What They Are, What They Do, and How to Make Them Better.”
How a story begins, and each scene within that story, should set up reader expectations and draw them into the tale. We’ll talk about different types of openings and help authors figure out what works best for their story and readers.
We’ll also go over some tips to help the openings better serve the author’s story goals. Then we’ll discuss different types of hooks, as well as where, how, and when to use them.
There is no fee for the morning program. Registration is recommended but not required.
From 1 to 3 p.m., Brennan will lead a workshop focused on Transitions and Endings.
Transitions are more than just getting from one scene to another; they’re also about the changes that happen within the scenes and within the characters. Transitions can be jarring or seamless. It depends on what works best in the author’s story or in that part of the story.
Endings should be satisfying. They don’t have to be happy, but they shouldn’t let the reader feel cheated or disappointed. We’ll discuss what types of endings members in the class enjoy, and what they don’t enjoy, to help us better understand how different each reader’s expectations can be.
We’ll also discuss what should be at the beginning of the book’s blurb, what kinds of hooks can draw in readers, how to briefly summarize the main points of the story, and how most - if not all - book blurbs should end.
The workshop is free for members; $15 for nonmembers.
All attendees must be 18 years or older. Email glvwg.vebmeister@gmail.com to receive the Zoom link.
For more information or to register for the events, go to greaterlehighvalleywritersgroup.wildapricot.org.
GLVWG aims to provide its members with a network of support and resources in the field of writing and advance the writing interests of its members. It also acts as a central information point for activities in the field of writing and the publishing industry.