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Resident asks Franklin to fix his road

Franklin Township resident Robert Correll addressed the township supervisors at the monthly meeting with a concern about the street on which he lives, a spur road off Indian Mountain Road.

“The road I live on is a spur road, number 417,” Correll said, “and, that road is in shambles.

“There are holes in the street a foot deep. For years that road has been a township road. The township always took care of that road; trimming grass and brush, fixing the road. Right now, the stop sign at the upper end, you can’t even see it, it’s in the brushes.”

Correll pointed out that the township has not done anything to the road in several years.

Supervisors said they could find no evidence that the road was ever vacated; so, as far as they can see, the road is a township road.

Supervisors told Correll they would have the township roadmaster go to look at the road, trim the brush and weeds, and determine how to make the necessary repairs.

Other business

• There will be no change in the garbage/trash collection for the July Fourth holiday.

• Supervisors passed Ordinance 2024-01, an amendment to the ordinance that prohibits smoking in the township parks. The amendment adds electronic cigarettes and electronic nicotine delivery systems, which includes vaping, to be banned from the parks. The Little League team needed to have the ordinance amended in order to get new signs for the parks.

• Supervisors passed a motion to have Gary Trainer paint a new Phifer’s Ice Dam Entrance sign, not to exceed $500, at the request of the advisory recreation and parks board.

• Supervisors passed a motion to allow the advisory recreation and parks board to hold a community yard sale on Saturday, July 20, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the field between the municipal building and the ballpark.

• Supervisors voted to approve and sign the Engagement Letters from the law firm of Elliot Greenleaf, and from R & T Environmental Services, and voted to hire Andress Appraisal Service, all for land and real estate acquisition.

The reason for retaining these firms is to have them in place for the future purchase of land, buying an existing building, or constructing a new building. The firms would be in place in case they are needed for the process.

• Supervisors voted to approve requests for the Franklin Township Fire Police to assist in traffic control for the Annual 4th of July Fireworks in Lehighton, and at the Carbon County Fair Aug. 5 to 10.