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Walnutport discusses new garbage contract

Walnutport’s garbage collection contract is set to expire and residents are concerned about the new agreement.

Borough Mayor Wayne Weidner told borough council on Thursday he’s getting some concerns about items not eligible for collection.

Councilwoman Jen Wentz said that may very well be the case due to the cost.

“We don’t want it to be exorbitant for the residents,” Wentz said.

Council President Michael Gaston noted that in other municipalities, prices are jumping.

Council previously awarded a four-year contract to County Waste for $695,640 from 2021-2024.

Wentz said at that time that the bid quotes were a combination of collection and transporting, yearly landfill solid waste disposal cost, and recyclables.

In September 2022, council approved an increase of up to $20 in the garbage bill rates for 2023 to compensate for a possible rise in recycling.