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Mahoning discusses warehouse ordinance

A group of environmentally-conscious people have implored Mahoning Township to protect itself against truck terminals, warehouses and distribution centers.

Linda Christman, president of Save Carbon County, asked supervisors last week to take a close look at its zoning, and to consider a model ordinance.

Christman told the board there are several truck terminals all within a 2-mile stretch along Route 940 in Kidder Township. Several more have been proposed.

She said truck terminals could have their sites set on Mahoning Township in light of the improvements made along Route 443, along with its proximity to the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

Christman added “I doubt that Mahoning will be immune from it.”

“I urge you to take action and protect your community,” Christman said.

Later in the meeting, board Chairman Robert Slaw asked if the township should look into an ordinance.

It was then suggested to reach out to Carson Helfrich, land use planner, to see if he has any warehouse regulations.

Helfrich assisted Mahoning, Franklin Township, and Lehighton Borough with updating their SALDO and zoning ordinances.

Supervisor Deb McGowan agreed it would be prudent of the township to protect itself against such development.

“We’ve got a lot of empty property on (Route) 443,” McGowan said.