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Slatington hears about runoff from new house

Residents complained to Slatington Borough Council last week about a water runoff problem.

Edward Lopez, from 1223 Fourth Street and William Muffley of 333 Kern Street, came to find out why the water problem at 1227-1231 4th Street, has not been fixed.

They said when the foundation was dug for the new home, an underground spring was dug into. It now runs water continuously down the street, washing away Lopez and Muffley’s driveways.

Lopez and Muffley have put in written complaints to the borough.

When it rains, the neighbors said their driveways are like small streams.

They said the base is washing away and their cars are starting to bottom out when entering their residents.

They wanted to know why the borough let them finish the house before fixing the water problem.

Borough Manager, Daniel Stevens, said, “The owner has been sent many letters and visited by zoning to fix the problem.”

Stevens said we cannot give him sewer and water hookup until the problem is fixed.”

“It is too dangerous for our crew,” he said. “They have to dig a trench, which could cause major flooding.”

Other business

The Slatington Borough Council also approved several items:

• To advertise the open seat on Slatington Borough Council due to the passing of councilman Walter Niedermeyer. Council has 30 days to fill the seat.

• Spending up to $1,000 to hire a designer for the police station upgrade.

• Received approval from Lehigh County and awarded a Community Development Block Grant for six air-packs, six face masks, and 13 air cylinders for a total of $72,554 for the fire department.

• Approved request from the fire company to have Cardinal Hollow Winery set up at fire department for Community Days on June 22 upon receiving notice of insurance.

• Tabled a discussion about proposed changes in enforcement for fire alarms.

• Aaron Schoch appointed chairman of the highway committee;

• Councilman Zachari Halkias moved from president pro tempore to vice president.

• Block grant projects to Lehigh County for approval: Fifth Street work will be for ramps, stormwater and roadway; North Street for curbing, sidewalk, ramps and roadway construction.

• Northern Lehigh Pool had a delayed opening the existing water could not be shocked, so the water had to be dumped and refilled by the borough.

• Slatington Fire Department received a donation of $1,400 for equipment upgrades.

• Solicitor directed to research an ordinance about bamboo.

• Quote for roofing project from A.J. Kerekes for $18,790 to be paid for with federal COVID funds;

• Advancing $1,500 to the Slatington Borough Authority to cover three National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/ Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection violation fines at $500 per violation;

• Quote of $31,908.51 from Martz Technologies Inc. for filter bed effluent valve control upgrade for both filters.

• Announced a special meeting at 5 p.m. on June 24 with Environmental Planning and Design.

New construction on 4th Street in Slatington has caused runoff onto neighboring properties. PATRICIA INGLES/TIMES NEWS