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Thank you to police

Members of Unit 360 recently presented members of the Weatherly Police Department with Dunk’in gift cards in Honor of National Police Week to thank them for keeping our community safe. From left: Georgia Farrow, Unit 360 President, Officer Michael Eyer, Theresa D’Andrea, Unit 360 and Borough Police Committee, Officer Joshua Silfee, Georgeann Herling, Unit 360/ Carbon-Lehigh-Monroe-Northampton District President. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Members of Unit 360 recently presented members of the Weatherly Police Department with Dunk'in gift cards in Honor of National Police Week to thank them for keeping our community safe. From left: Georgia Farrow, Unit 360 President, Officer Michael Eyer, Theresa D'Andrea, Unit 360 and Borough Police Committee, Officer Joshua Silfee, Georgeann Herling, Unit 360/ Carbon-Lehigh-Monroe-Northampton District President. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO